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Get support to build your next dApp on Rootstock through the strategic grants program.

Fast track your application by joining the Hackathon or get in touch to apply directly.


Get funding for your next DeFi project

Created to grow and support the Rootstock ecosystem, grants are available for a wide scope of project types.

The Rootstock Strategic Grants program has been created to support the next generation of fintech builders.

Apply now if you’re planning to integrate Rootstock with your existing products or build a new dApp on the ecosystem.

Successful applicants will also receive mentorship and marketing support to ensure your project gets the attention it deserves.


Join a hackathon

Join a hackathon and improve your chances of qualifying for our $3 million grant initiative! All developers from across the globe are invited to participate and apply for the program.

Rootstock is natively compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This means developers can rely on their existing knowledge of solidity tools and libraries like Hardhat, Truffle, web3.js, and ethers.js.

No prior experience with Rootstock is necessary.

Upcoming Hackathons

Apply For A Grant

Established businesses or advanced projects can apply directly for a grant.

Your project needs to benefit the Rootstock ecosystem to qualify for a grant.

Some reasons you may request a grant:

  • Integrate with Rootstock.
  • Promote interoperability.
  • Cross-chain functionality.
  • Explore new use cases.
  • Foster ecosystem growth.
Apply Directly

Submit your entries to be considered to the Strategic Grants Program


Key Dates

  • 8 July, 2024

    Wave VI Opens

  • 23 August, 2024

    Early Applicants

  • 1 September, 2024

    Final Submission

  • 16 - 28 September, 2024

    Pitch Days


Create User-centric UtilityUSER

Effective user engagement requires thoughtful utilities and incentive design.

This theme is for projects that promote the adoption of Rootstock in pioneering and meaningful ways, with a particular focus on everyday use cases and token economy.

Generate sustainable yield with RBTC and Real World Assets (RWAs)RBTC

As DeFi continues to reshape the financial landscape, seamless integration between Bitcoin's robustness, represented by RBTC, and the tangibility of Real World Assets offers a frontier of innovation. By combining the intrinsic value of RWAs with the decentralized prowess of RBTC, we aim to unlock diverse avenues for sustainable yield generation. This convergence could drive wider adoption, increase liquidity, and foster a more inclusive financial ecosystem, anchored on the Rootstock platform.

- Borrowing RBTC using RWA as collateral and create yield on Sovryn, etc
- Flyover adoption and use cases
- Staking use cases
- Loyalty and awards programs using Rootstock ecosystem tokens

Bridge Rootstock and other L1/L2sDEFI

Bridging Rootstock with other L1/L2s unlocks a world of possibilities: not only improves liquidity but also broadens the scope of applications and use cases for Rootstock and other connected blockchains.
This theme aims to encourage the development of innovative solutions that enable seamless transfers of digital assets and information between Rootstock and other ecosystems.

- EVM-focused DEX integration
- Drivechain implementation
- Lightning + Rootstock
- Stacks → Rootstock
- Nostr payment using Rootstock AND Lightning infra

Why build on Rootstock?

If you’ve developed on Ethereum before, you’ve already got the skills you need to build on Rootstock.

Use the same solidity tools and libraries that you’re used to, and apply them to the Rootstock blockchain. That includes Hardhat works, Truffle works, web3.js works, and ethers.js.

Join our Open Slack channel to reach out to grant facilitators and get support from a thriving community of Rootstock developers.

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